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How Dutch does it

I'm sorry that many of you believe the crap dutchsinse / sincedutch puts out. If you spent as much time researching his crap like I know you do with other things, you would find many many reasons not too believe him or trust his crap.

Severe weather is a given and more times than not, is easy to predict in spring and summer.

When a person such as dutchsinse / sincedutch looks for severe weather potential by scanning the maps and text forecast, seeing it is there, then finds some radar anomalies Haarp rings that coincide with the forecast and then proclaims he knows were the weather will be severe is all bullshit. He knows were the potential for severe weather will be by reading the text from the National Weather Service and other various reporting agencies. The dude is a fake.

Dutch spends [ or he did before his downfall ] countless hours looking for HAARP RINGS and then a severe weather forecast to fit the picture. He may do it the other way around, finding a severe weather forecast and then finding his rings. Either way will work, and given this is all he does or did 24/7 he has convinced you.


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