Yep, you read that right. An earthquake in Georgia. Not unheard of as there have been a total of four earthquakes this year in Georgia. The latest was TODAY, November 13 2011, a magnitude 1.9, but this is NOT the one Sincedutch posts about. No, dutchsinse posts about the one from four days ago TODAY, November 13 2011, and says to "Expect further earthquakes at, or within a short distance from, this dormant volcanic area."
Now what would give him this idea ? Maybe because he has already seen or heard of the one that happened today and will tell us about it later to confirm his prediction of "Expect further earthquakes at, or within a short distance from, this dormant volcanic area."
Just like he does with his Haarp Ring weather forecast, he waits until something has already happened or is expected to happen in the coming days, and holds off posting about it until the time is right. You know, to make it look like he has a clue and to pull the wool over your eyes.
UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE .. I'll wait and see what he post tomorrow or later tonight about the earthquake in Georgia Today. Because I know he will.
Here's the link for the earthquake he posts about today from four days ago. You can see it in his post as well.
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