With that firmly implanted in your skull, let us delve into Dutchsinse's most recent failure.
Yesterday Sunday, November 6, 2011 I posted Dutchsinse - TickTock TickTock. In that post douche told us this:
11/5/2011 — Great Falls Montana to Glasgow Montana = “HAARP ring” epicenters watch for 24-48 hours Posted on November 5, 2011 by sincedutchI omitted the image of the forecast from WeatherUnderground in my original post 'Dutchsinse - TickTock TickTock'. I didn't think it was necessary to post it and I still dont. As I said in my previous post and I quote myself:
These two frequency rings, as I call them “HAARP rings”, appeared today 800am CDT 11/5/2011 — out of Great Falls, and Glasgow Montana.
Watch these two towns for severe weather in the next 24-48 hours from this point.
here is the official NWS forecast for the record.. they have a 0-10% chance of any precip.. over the next 3 days after today. Again, I am calling for severe weather within the same time frame.
even one of my MOST ANNOYING , CRASS, and VAPID critics took note– we shall see if severe actually hits the center of the rings: (title is offensive) but IF severe hits these two towns in the next two days.. the title will be refuted… and if it doesn’t hit.. then.. obviously I was wrong in my forecast. :^)
The Weather Forecast graphics dutchsinse supplies within this post are correct, in that they as well as the National Weather Service out of Great Falls and Glasgow Montana also call for conditions to be 'DRY' for Sunday and Monday.I may confuse you with what I'm about to write. This is unintentional, but unraveling the lies of a twisted mind is no easy task.
From above we saw that dutchsinse / sincedutch said, "Watch these two towns for severe weather in the next 24-48 hours from this point." and "here is the official NWS forecast for the record.. they have a 0-10% chance of any precip.. over the next 3 days after today. Again, I am calling for severe weather within the same time frame."
The post of dutch's that came from included this image.
The RADAR time stamp shows us this screenshot was taken on Saturday November 5 2011 at 3:00 PM EST. It also shows us, it is Snowing !! From dutch's own words above "they have a 0-10% chance of any precip.. over the next 3 days after today." The key here is 'AFTER TODAY'. From reports I see that it snowed Saturday through the night into Sunday Morning. Since Sunday morning it is clear and cold. This was expected, although DUTCH would have you believe in his current post 11/7/2011 — Several inches of snow on a “forecast CLEAR DAY” in Montana = ‘HAARP ring’ INDUCED - Posted on November 7, 2011 by sincedutch it was not. Here's an image I included in my post 'Dutchsinse - TickTock TickTock' to prove it was expected and not 'haarp ring induced'[LMAO] as he claims.
Here's what I said directly below that image in my previous post:
Surely he isn't going to post later claiming CONfirmation of his prediction due to the 'Winter Weather Advisory' issued for Saturday night, or the 'Winter Storm Warning' having been issued through Sunday morning at 1:51 PM MDT Saturday. I wouldn't put it past him....And low and behold, that is exactly what dutchsinse has done in his current post.
In his current post [linked above] he tells us this for starters:
The NWS issued this forecast calling for a ZERO PERCENT chance of precipitation.That 'ZERO PRECENT was for SUNDAY. I remind you for the most part on SUNDAY, the snow had ended. I also remind you, the Forecast from the National Weather Service as seen in the image above, 'Winter Weather Advisory' issued for Saturday night, and 'Winter Storm Warning' issued through Sunday morning." So for dutch to claim this was not forecast by the professionals is a LIE !
Here's some more of what dutch said in his recent post:
Storms DID hit the center of the rings within 24 hours.. on an expected clear day no less !
Now look at the official reports of what happened on the 6th of November *yesterday* .. remember.. it was a ZERO percent chance of precipitation by the pros.. and I called for severe weather .. heavy precip to hit the area..
Lo and behold.. several inches of snow fell at the center of the “HAARP ring area” .. Glasgow Montana.. west all the way to Great Falls MT .
Once again, we see storms hit the center of the frequency “HAARP ring” within 24-48 hours.. the professionals were expecting a CLEAR DAY… we were expecting storms.
And storms it was!
So how exactly did he prove anything ? I want you to tell me. After all, it was already snowing and he has radar screenshots to prove it, just like the one from above taken on Saturday November 5 2011 at 3:00 PM EST. The professionals also issued winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings.
Another thing I will mention, and he mentions it as well as seen in the quotes from above. He "called for severe weather .. heavy precip to hit the area". Well douche, The weather was not severe and the snow totals did not amount to heavy precip. The heaviest snow report was 4.5 inches. That means at a ratio of 10:1 meaning 1 inch of rain produces 10 inches of snow, less than a half inch of liquid precipitation came down. Hardly heavy precip.
I hope I didn't confuse you in unraveling yet another lie by this conman. Unlike him, it was not my intention.
Just for kicks, here's a comment dutch left 'today' on his original post:
Why would we watch this area for another 24 hours ? After all, the time frame you gave us to watch was for 24-48 hours from from this point, which was 800am CDT 11/5/2011. Your comment was posted November 7, 2011 at 9:21 am, 49 hours later.
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